Poconos Businesses for Sale – Pocono Business Real Estate Guide
by USA Realty - Pocono Office 570-517-2428
Welcome to The Pocono Businesses for Sale guide.
PoconosRealEstate.com is a leading Business For Sale marketplace designed to help our users buy or sell a business.
Are you a small business or a small company for sale?
Our brokerage is unique in that we also sell small businesses, commercial properties and small companies. These sales can include physical tangible property assets or may only have intangible assets.
A small business is considered having under $2 million in annual revenues.
A Poconos business (or any) with a small amount of revenue will be very challenging to sell, unless it is extremely profitable and/or has commercial real estate. Funding for a business sale transaction will come from traditional bank lending and will need sufficient cash flow profits to prove to the lender the business can pay back the loan. There are numerous challenges to selling for a small business owner.
Reach out to USA Realty - Pocono office commercial, today for the straight talk on what is involved to sell your business and what might be the best strategy for you. Waiting until you decide to sell is not a very good strategy when selling a small business.
Some small businesses do have commercial real estate as well and this may help in selling the business asset. In some cases, it may not, and the real estate might be worth more or less than the going business enterprise. This needs to be discussed prior to selling the business or commercial real estate. Reach out to us today.
A small company has revenues over $2 million dollars in annual revenues. This private company sale is usually funded through private equity or investor buyers. We already have a 20 year database of qualified buyers looking for quality companies for sale.
Sellers will also require someone with expertise in selling multi-million dollar companies, who can sell the asset confidentially while sellers still are operating as a going enterprise. Sales of companies typically take up to 12 months, so being prepared and having the best strategy to maximize your value is a must.
Remember...Buyers already have a strategy to buying your asset and sellers need to match that with a plan. We can help you sell for top dollar.
Companies with over $2 million in annual revenue have buyers that are interested. We have established over 20 years in selling companies a database of buyers and funding sources for these companies. Reach out to us today to find out more about confidentially selling your company.
***We sell companies with revenue between $2M-$50M. If you have a company and require a higher level of expertise and service, please click here.***
With over 30,000,000 million visitors each year there are many opportunities to service these guests who come to the mountains to ski, hike,
antique, bike, fish, enjoy relaxing time at their second or vacation
Buy or Sell a Poconos Mountains Business or Commercial Property Today with USA Realty - Pocono Office!
Below is a current list of businesses and commercial properties available in the Poconos area (Updated nightly). For many of these properties you’ll need an agent from USA Realty to
show you the business that you might want to consider buying.
You can get more information on any business for sale or an appointment to view
by filling out the form at the bottom of the page or calling
Call USA Realty – Poconos To See Any of These Businesses Call 570-517-2428 BE AWARE: The LO, Listing Office works for the Seller and is obligated to get the highest price .. to protect your interests contact a Buyers Agent at USA Realty Pocono Office.
You may need to refresh the page to see the list.
USA Realty - Pocono Office in the Poconos is a PA licensed Real Estate Brokerage and
we look forward to helping you place a Business for Sale Listing or find
a great business to purchase.
There are, listed below, pizza parlors,
restaurants, hair salons, gas stations / convenience stores / fitness
centers / auto repair shops for sale. There are child care centers /
bars and taverns / car washes / diners / sports shops for sale. There
are Furniture stores / bed and breakfast inns / car dealerships / candle
shops for sale. In short all kinds of business opportunities exist in
the Poconos Mountains of northeastern PA.
You can find all kinds of local Poconos businesses for sale.... Poconos Delis, Pocono car lots, Poconos laundromats, Poconos restaurants for sale, Pocono Inns for sale,. Poconos Motels for sale.
And USA Realty - Pocono Office can represent you for your purchase. You will want a buyer's broker to look after your interests.
Call USA Realty, today about any of the Pocono Businesses for sale listed above. 570-517-2428